GINOP-3.2.2-8-2-4-16-2018 - Sofa

Tartalomhoz ugrás


English > Projects
Beneficiary name:
Sofa Faipari Kft.

Title of the project:
Introduction of an integrated corporate management system at Sofa Faipari Kft.

The amount of the contracted support:
HUF 10,346,000

Amount of support (in %):

During the project, we would like to introduce the following modules:
HRM, Controlling and decision support, Finance, accounting area
CRM, Procurement, logistics, Remote and group work module, Workflow management system, Electronic document management

Project completion date:

Project identification number:
Tel: +3620 402 1789
Utolsó módosítás: 2023.10.31.
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